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Learning to Skate

Children leaving care are at a significant disadvantage compared to their peers. Those who have multiple support needs, such as mental ill-health, learning disabilities, or experiences in the criminal justice system may be particularly at-risk. Find out about our commissioned research concerning the provisions made for children leaving care below.

In an effort to improve existing provision for children leaving care services, the Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned us to evaluate the outcomes and processes of a new housing pathway for care leavers with multiple and complex needs.


Five young people accepted a placement at a youth homeless housing project, which included support provided by the homelessness charity, such as employability and life skills training, and an opportunity to complete the MST4Life™ programme.


Findings and recommendations from the project, including a literature review on what factors influence care leaver outcomes, are intended to help local governments make informed decisions to ensure leaving care services are effective and cost-effective.

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